Celtic Art Miniatures 2 – Spirals & Key Patterns

Term 1 2024


Celtic Art Miniatures 2 - Spirals & Key Patterns

Dates: 110.3.24 to 7.4.24
Sundays 2-4pm (NB: NO CLASS on Easter Sunday 31.3.24)
Celtic Art Miniatures 2 includes spirals and key patterns, 2 of the 5 styles of patterns that make up this decorative artform that has been used and created for millennia.
Celtic spirals are an essential element of design you need to begin creating your own Celtic Art.
Key patterns are most famously seen in ancient manuscripts such as The Book of Kells & The Lindisfarne Gospels.
I will take you step-by-step through the techniques of drawing these patterns using a simple proven method that will have you creating your own
Materials list for students: